November 22, 2010

...The British are coming!

Just kidding! I thought that title was very appropriate for the following picture.. (that was suppose to be a joke, I love the Brits!). Check out this image I got off of someone's facebook..

My first initial thought after seeing this photo was: where did the Rickshaw come from?

For those of you who don't know, Auto Rickshaws are a very common mode of transportation in India. These 3 wheelered buggies are used by more than half of the countrys' population!

Source: Facebook

This image is quite lovely, it looks like a piece of art. I especially love the contrast between the different colors. From the image it looks like a store front window. Let me know if you see this around town. Notice the British flags all around the Rickshaw, these blue people must've wanted everyone to know where they come from...hahah!

Imagine we were that shade of blue with bright orange hair? What shade of lipstick would you choose to wear if your skin was that blue? LOL.

Just another random post of the day ... sometimes we need a little dose of 'change' in our routine.

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